Devyn and Ali take their love for movies to the next level with an unapologetically academic approach that borders on the insufferable. If you've ever wished movie discussions could be more complex, detailed, and perhaps a bit alienating, then this is the podcast for you!

Join Devyn and Ali as they dive headfirst into the deep end of film analysis, leaving no plot point unexamined and no cinematic technique unscrutinized. Their passion for movies is palpable, and their discussions are so intricately detailed that even the most dedicated film buffs might find themselves scratching their heads.

In each episode, Devyn and Ali dissect every molecule of a film's story, methodically breaking down its narrative structure, character arcs, and underlying themes. From exploring the subtle nuances of cinematography to delving into the historical context of a film's production, no stone is left unturned. Get ready for a journey into the weeds of cinema that even the most seasoned critics might find challenging to follow.

Follow Non Sequitur Cinema on Instagram: @nonsequiturcinema

Meet the Team

Devyn Hoy

If Devyn had to come up with one way to describe himself, it would be “Someone who hates bios.” Jury’s out on whether that’s because he doesn’t enjoy talking about himself, or just because he’s no good at writing them. It could very well be both.

Regardless, these following paragraphs deliver some information one may find pertinent. Devyn has been making films since he was a tween. Short, short films then, but that’s just a qualifier he felt the need to add so as not to seem like he fancies himself some kind of prodigy. Far from it. But he did study film and take courses through high school and college, and got his Bachelor’s in Film so that he could be a freelance videographer and editor while also paying off student loans, which do seem to be the only lasting part of getting a BA.

He quite enjoys watching movies of all kinds, and then thoroughly enjoys further contemplating and analyzing them, and he would be remiss if he didn’t point out that you can analyze Fast 5 just as much as you can analyze The Godfather.

Ali Baughman

Ali is the founder of Opus Nox Media and all-around doer of the things. She has her degree in English Language and Literature, though she feels she may have missed the boat on film school. A dabbler in many kinds of media, Ali is a director at her local theater, a podcast host, a writer, a paranormal investigator, and make-up artist.

When she’s not running around trying to cram every hobby she can into her schedule, she can be found lounging in her pjs with her cats and husband.


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