Step into the darkened studio of “The Vampire Talk Show” with Valaine the Vampire, the mysterious host who has risen after a century-long slumber to bring you the most unearthly talk show on the airwaves. Awakened to the 21st century, Valaine navigates the modern world with a mix of bewilderment and charm as she interviews an eclectic array of guests.

From cryptids lurking in the shadows to restless ghosts haunting forgotten corners, extraterrestrial beings with tales from distant galaxies, and intriguing humans with stories that defy belief, "The Vampire Talk Show" is a supernatural symphony of the bizarre and the extraordinary. Valaine's velvet voice draws out the secrets and specters of her guests, creating an otherworldly experience for both her immortal audience and those who have stumbled upon the show.

As Valaine grapples with smartphones, social media, and the intricacies of the 21st-century culture, her timeless charm and enigmatic persona make each episode a captivating journey into the unknown. Join her in the ethereal realm of "The Vampire Talk Show," where every tale is spun from the threads of the supernatural, and every guest has a story to tell that transcends the boundaries of reality.

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Valaine the Vampire

Meet the enigmatic scribe of the night, Valaine, the dazzling vampire gossip columnist who held the keys to the secrets of the roaring twenties. Born into the shadows, Victoria thrived in the clandestine world of speakeasies, jazz-filled nights, and the glittering façade of the high society elite.

With her pen as sharp as her wit, Valaine became the unparalleled voice of the supernatural gossip columns, chronicling the scandalous affairs, mysterious alliances, and sordid intrigues that fueled the extravagant parties of the era. Her byline, adorned with elegant flourish, was both feared and coveted among the upper echelons of society.

She danced with the elite, sipped on the finest blood cocktails, and immortalized the secrets of the city that never slept. Until the faithful day that she finally slept…for 100 years.

All Valaine knows is she laid in her coffin to take a nap and then woke up when her podcast producer discovered her coffin under the concrete of her basement.

Meet the Host


Non Sequitur Cinema


Taking Dadplications